I Have (Had) Enough
by: Jeff Jacobson
"Jeff Jacobson is the greatest contemporary American author you've never heard of, but it's time that changed." In this profoundly insightful collection, Jeff Jacobson presents a compelling portrait of marriage, parenthood, friendship, and faith. At turns hilarious and excruciating, Jacobson's stories illustrate our shared human experiences of love and loss and offer fresh insights into the twin dance of pain and grace. The author writes from the heart, gut, and spirit as he mines the everyday to discover life's essential truths. "I Have (had) Enough" is better titled "I Have Enough" - enough love for everyone, enough courage to withstand the slings and arrows of outrageous fatherhood, and more blessings than a man deserves. Honest and filled with joy, I Have (had) Enough is a master-class in love, devotion, and embracing grace wherever you find it. "If Anne Lamotte and David Sedaris had a child, then put him up for adoption in the suburban Midwest, that child would grow up to be Jeff Jacobson."
action & adventure
Format: ebook
Published by: Self publ.
, 2019