Diane Cummings

Diane Cummings is a California girl, a UCLA alum, and is currently sweating in Atlanta, Georgia, with the world's smallest Persian cat. Diane has worked as a radio reporter and a TV news director. Deciding that truth was too much stranger than fiction, she turned in her microphone and press pass and set about applying her passion for writing and e... (Read more)

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John I. Rigoli

John Ignatius Rigoli's experiences as both a cradle Catholic and former US Naval officer informed his world view in a rather unexpected manner, opening his eyes to the proposition that those who seek power are the last people who should hold it. John is an unabashed social justice advocate, outspoken liberal, and a patriot - and he sees no dichotom... (Read more)

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Marion Kummerow

USA Today Bestselling author of historical fiction. Marion Kummerow was born and raised in Germany before she set out to “discover the world” and lived in various countries. In 1999 she returned to Germany and settled down in Munich where she’s now living with her family. After dipping her toes with non-fiction books, she finally tackled the pr... (Read more)

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Trudy Krisher

Trudy Krisher has a reputation as a talented writer who does not hesitate to explore sensitive issues. She grew up in the South like her heroines Maggie, in Spite Fences, and Pert, in Kinship. Born in Macon, Georgia in 1946, she was raised in South Florida. Trudy graduated from the College of William and Mary with a B.A. in English and received ... (Read more)

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